Was you told raag Kirtan takes years of study and you must be vocally talented?
We're here to tell you why you don't need either the years or talent.
When you come to discover the secret ingredients, you'll know exactly what to do to overcome mental challenges, melt away heavy burdens and dissolve the problems of the day with ease. Raag kirtan is packed with tools to make life easy.
What makes Raag Kirtan different to 'Kirtan'? Raag Kirtan is referred to as healing and therapeutic.
But how; is it through meditating? singing? listening? or playing?
There are certain emotional attributes that makes Kirtan more than just a set of musical notes. In this mini-course discover how a raag (an emotional mood) is made beyond musical notes, in a simple creative way through 8 chapters.
✓ 90% watching videos
✓ Handbook with musical framework included
✓ Bite-sized and digestible video content
✓ Self-paced mini-course
✓ Reconnect to the healing purpose of Kirtan
✓ The key secrets to understanding any raag
✓ Learn how a raag is put together
✓ Learn 2 Waheguru simrans in 2 raags
8 bite-size videos to
Discover how raags are put together and the power they have to unlock our inner spiritual and emotional world.
Learn what makes raag Kirtan more than musical notes. Decode 2 raags with exactly the same notes.
Learn to sing 2 Waheguru simrans easily in raag.
Raag Kirtan, or Sikh Music as we refer to it, is meant to be lived and embodied. Many have been told it's difficult and not possible in a short time. However, we are dedicated to sharing the healing angle of Kirtan and its framework in an easy and simple way that anyone can enhance their health.
We don't believe the secrets of raag Kirtan should be any secret.
What if you had the code where you could understand how any raag works?
And if you had the framework to implement the spiritual master's timeless wisdom in the expression and tone, as if they were speaking directly to you at this moment?
Wouldn't your spiritual connection sound and feel much better and more special? In this mini-course you'll get access to the Sikh Music healing framework.
Re-watch with lifetime access to this mini-course.
Available to access on any device.
You will learn step-by-step two Waheguru simran compositions, to help bring to life the secret ingredients from the healing framework into action through a simran meditation.
Take away two raag composition notes to either make part of your current meditation practice or play onto your own instrument.
Sikh Kirtan (or Sikh Music) was shared by the Sikh Gurus to create peace, harmony and oneness within us. When we are stressed, fighting off illnesses and going to bed worried each night, where has our oneness gone, how do you hold onto to it? To not lose it again the next morning?
Some may argue it's the instrument or others say it's the person that creates such healing sounds. We say, it's the framework.
The very framework from the Sikh Masters to transform our mind and body to be in such great health, that those around you wonder how did you do it??
The healing framework that's been creating therapeutic sounds cannot be constrained in any way.
Anyone can learn these powerful steps without any prior knowledge. Because it's meant to be easy yet effective.
You can have it too.
Learn it in 8 simple steps through our vocal-only mini-course "Kirtan: A Tool for Mental Health" to kickstart your journey into raag kirtan the easy way.
✓ Someone with none or little raag Kirtan experience
✓ Enjoys easy conversational videos
✓ Open to someone who may not played an instrument before
✓ Doesn't need to have an instrument,, only natural voice
✓ Easy for someone who has little or no prior knowledge on raags or Kirtan
"I got the tools to take forward the journey of spirituality supported by sound."
- Kamal Singh
"The true way of doing Sikh Kirtan, the ancient style. It gave me the missing link in the kirtan connects the soul with the Kartar."
- Dilbag Singh
"The wonderful format of the whole program, and the focus on the mental emotional side of the raags. Now I have a better idea of how to follow a given shabd complete with sirlekh information."
- Gurpreet Kaur
"For the first time being able to distinguish one Raag from another by hearing the notes sung! Plus some new personal insights into the philosophy of Sikh Music. I learnt new emotional signatures, some of which I already could see clearly in my day today – and also the two new Raags, especially Raag Nutt – it's so amazing how often Raag Nutt is there in everyday life!"
- Amrit Neer Gyan Kaur
No Kirtan knowledge or instruments needed to start the mini-course
How do we understand "Kirtan" beyond musical performances and uplifting sounds.
The emotional alphabet & the secret ingredients that makes any raag
Emotional ingredients (Gram) and secrets of the raag of pure happiness
Recipe (“Moorchana”) of what makes a raag
How to use raag of Bilavl to uplift you mentally, emotionally and spiritually
What if two raags notes look exactly the same? Going beyond the musical notes.
Recipe (“Moorchana”) on how to identify any Raag
How Raag Nutt can influence your circumstances
Do I need to know about Sikhi, Gurbani, Kirtan or raags to do this mini-course?
No previous know-how is required because our course is built specifically to guide learners with all the insights and how-tos in the most simple and enjoyable way.
I have never played a string instrument before?
Perfect, because this mini-course is vocal only with easy sing-along guidance that makes it comfortable for everyone to match with. You'll have access to the composition notes and videos to help you bring it into your daily meditation if you wish.
Is the course easy to follow and understand?
You are in the right place, this mini-course is presented to you in a conversational way, giving learners a great overview and insights into raags and kirtan that would have required many books and research. You'll receive the insights that matter the most in connecting to kirtan in a healing way.
What makes this mini-course different?
Raag Kirtan, or Sikh Music as we refer to it, is meant to be lived and embodied. Many have been told it's difficult and not possible in a short time. However, we are dedicated to sharing the healing angle of Kirtan and its framework in an easy and simple way that anyone can enhance their health.
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